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NASA hired an NGO (GCSE) to create a series of educational videos geared toward scientists. The project involved extensive remote records combined with in-person interviews and still photography. Videos were designed primarily for the web and YouTube. As the senior advisor of digital for GCSE, I worked alongside a team of academics and nonprofit professionals in a collaborative effort.


The Global Council for Science and the Environment under Exec. Dir. Michelle Wyman contracted extensively with scientists, federal state, and local governments, and different agencies—such as NASA.

The NASA contract specified remote records, in-person interviews, and still photography. For other GCSE projects please click here.




Smartphone. iPad. Big-screen TV. Always produce videos for different screens! Get the picture?

  • Michelle Wyman, M.P.A.

    Ms. Wyman (left) has significant experience leading multiple organizations in the fields of climate and science policy. Formerly at GCSE, Michelle founded Biosphere Strategies, where she is the principal consultant specializing in science, sustainability, climate, and the environment. Ms. Wyman is pictured with Amal Sarah (center) and Dr. Esther Obonyo Ph. D. (right)

  • A. Karim Ahmed, Ph.D.

    Dr. Ahmed founded GCSE and is an adjunct professor at the Univ. of Connecticut Health Center. He has served on many advisory committees and panels of national and intl. government agencies and scientific institutions, including the EPA, DOE, NIH, NAS, NSF , UNEP, UN Conf. on Science and Tech. for Development, WHO, and the World Bank.

  • Christine Kirchner, Ph. D. and Esther Obonyo, Ph.D.

    Dr. Kirchhoff is an Assoc. Prof. of Civil & Env. Engineering (left). Dr. Obonyo is the Exec. Dir. of the Global Building Network and an assoc. prof. of engineering design and architectural engineering.


A courtesy video can unlock a client’s creative process and inform next steps. Even a short clip can boost clients’ ability to communicate what they want…or don’t! Such as with the GCSE-NASA Actionable Knowledge introduction video.